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A Tribute to the Swedish American Line | ||||||||
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Karl-Gunnar Johansson
"Kalle Kli"
MS Kungsholm 1963 — 75
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Karl-Gunnar Johansson,
"Kalle Kli"
Many thanks to Hans "Hasse" Gustafsson and Tommy Stark
for compiling and translating Kalle's story.
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With more than 20 years in the purser's department, Kalle made a career aboard the MS Kungsholm. It all began at the age of 25 when he got employed on the Kungsholm (1953) as a waiter in the officers' mess on C-deck. The year was 1963, and Kalle worked there for one Atlantic crossing and return, on the Kungsholm. Then followed a series of job promotions and he switched to serve passengers instead of officers. The new jobs and positions on the passenger decks he enjoyed for the rest of his career. At 29, he advanced to Bartender on the new Kungsholm (1966), and he stayed on that position for nine years until the ship was sold in 1975.
Another friend from the neighborhood worked at sea as a cook. He told me about many exciting adventures, and the life at sea sounded tempting to me. He encouraged me to accompany him to Gothenburg when he was to sign on his ship again - and I did. It was a cargo vessel of the Broström AB Shipping Company. I have forgotten the ship's name... We were scheduled to bring cargo to the Persian Gulf and its surroundings. I got a job onboard as a cabin boy. After some time on the ship an accident happened to me. I fell down a staircase and injured my leg. I had to sign off in Irak, and I was hospitalized in a local clinic. A representative from the Swedish Church visited me, and recommended me strongly to go home for surgery. Home again I met another person who turned out to be second officer aboard the MS Gripsholm of the Swedish American Line. He too told me about his experiences, and what was so special about the two SAL ships in those days. He convinced me to make a phone call to Captain Tistrand who was head of the personnel department in Gothenburg at that time. In the late autumn of 1962 I made that phone call to Mr. Tistrand, and he requested me submit school certificates and references. Sometime later he dialed my number, saying "You applied for the Gripsholm, but she is not due to come home yet for some time... But the Kungsholm will soon return home from an Around-the-world cruise, would you be interested?" I signed on, of course, and started working as a waiter in the officers mess aboard the MS Kungsholm on 30 April 1963 (it was the old Kungsholm of 1953). MS KUNGSHOLM Next I was offered job as a Deckwaiter, serving drinks in the Main Lounge and in some other lounges on Verandah Deck. This job I kept for about a year. Among the people I remember by name from that time is Peter Baumgardt, from Mjölby in southeast Sweden, who also stayed onboard to the very end of the Kungsholm era. Another person I remember was the witty pantry foreman Bengt "Sidney" Olsson from the town Olofström in southern Sweden. And Bertil Anderberg, who worked as manager of the Beauty Parlor, and I became good tennis partners, and we have stayed in contact ever since. Another tennis player was the contemporary Chief Steward (before Stig Lundgren). The Chief Steward, Bertil Anderberg and I were once invited to a tennis club in Bombay, India, and we also played with others there. It turned out I played well since I was awarded a standing invitation to come back and play again "on the house" as often as I wanted. Over the years onboard the ship I got acquainted with many people, both passengers and crew members. Once in Hong Kong, the Swedish writer, columnist and globetrotter Hans Ostelius came onboard. At that time he came aboard as a lecturer, and he had many interesting experiences to share. One afternoon in Hong Kong he met the Swedish actress Ingrid Bergman and her Swedish husband in those days, onboard, and I served them all drinks. BARTENDER Among us bartenders there was no hierarchy. We were good group of colleagues who enjoyed working together most of the time. In the Aft Bar I worked interchangeably with Iwo Larsson, Stig Arnot and Kjell Karlsson. And in the Observation Bar on Promenade Deck I worked with Lars-Erik "Lajlen" Larsson, Mäki, and a bartender Gösta Blomkvist who had been on the Gripsholm. Being the newest on the job it was my responsibility to make stock replenishment orders and carry out preparations for the daily opening of the bar. My primary duty station was in the Aft Bar on Verandah Deck. The bartenders' work schedule was made by Johnny Pettersson, our superior boss who never hesitated to fill in and take unpopular shifts himself, when needed. I received a lot of good support from my fellow bartenders to help me getting into my new duties. And Johnny was the best boss I have ever had throughout my entire career, even after the Swedish American Line. The evening shift was usually going on between 18:00 PM and 24:00 midnight when we closed except late nights when there was dance music playing, or when there were some passengers left in the bars and lounges. However, most of the passengers were elderly people not very keen on partying late... The bartenders' duties were diversified. We got to know several passengers, and many of them were so-called "repeaters" returning to travel again on the same ship. Since the new passenger lists were distributed to all the bars before departure on each new trip we knew who the repeaters were before they boarded the ship. And a returning passenger would always appreciate his/her favorite drinks already waiting for him/her there on the bar counter the moment they first enter into the bar on a new cruise... There was no monotony whatsoever. Not one day was exactly like the previous one. Things happened all the time and we had much to do, in a positive way, for hours about lunchtime, dinner and also during the evenings. The dress code in the bar was always black trousers, white shirt, necktie, and a so-called cumber belt around the waist. Daytime bartenders wore a white jacket and evenings after 18:00 PM we put on a maroon bartender’s jacket with black lapels. Our bartender's pay was about 1000.- SEK per month as a base salary, I remember. The monthly tips from passengers could amount to slightly more than the salary. All the bartenders always divided all the tips that were received in all the bars equitably among themselves. The allotment was usually administrated by our boss Johnny once each month. On the long cruises it was habitual by some passengers to go to the bar at certain intervals and pay tips for that period. Other passengers preferred to add 15 % on each bar tab they signed at the table and paid for later. Bartenders were privileged to have their own single cabins on B-deck. In our leisure time we often played table tennis and dart, but we also played cards. FAVORITE PORTS OF CALL Sydney was another place I appreciated. We visited the Zoo, Taronga Park that was amazingly beautiful. And I recall eating particularly tasty oysters in Sydney. Finally, we must not forget Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro among my favorite ports of call. AFTER KUNGSHOLM As retired I have continued playing golf around Gothenburg and elsewhere. Aboard the Kungsholm I met Rita Hansen who worked in the Beauty Parlor, and she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She has been my life companion ever since. The only drawback with her, nowadays, is that she beats me on the golf course... Still after all these years I have close contacts with a group of six ex-employees from the Kungsholm, and we meet regularly each year together with our spouses. The others are girls who used to work in the Beauty Parlor onboard. We have many memories that we share and keep alive. We have known each other so many years, and we also talk sometimes over the telephone. I have found it easier to share my Kungsholm memories with persons that have had the same or similar experiences as I have. It is very difficult or even impossible for others without similar experiences from aboard and ashore to really know what it was all about in those good old days. // Kalle This story has been told by Kalle himself in telephone interviews during January 2015. The story has been compiled, adapted and translated for publication on www.salship.se by Tommy Stark and Hasse Gustafsson, two ex crew members who served onboard the MS Kungsholm as deckwaiters 1971-73. They knew Kalle from the opposite side of the bar counter. The photos have been selected out of Kalle’s private collection, and Kalle has approved the text for publication. |
First Class Bar on forward Veranda Deck.
From the left: Chief bartender Johnny Pettersson, Karl-Gunnar "Kalle Kli" Johansson, Bennie Meijer.
Karl-Gunnar “Kalle Kli” Johansson and his fellow bartender Mäki in the Observation Bar on Promenade Deck.
Kalle “Kli” and Stig Arnot. Two bartenders in evening outfit are having a relaxed
chat with a passenger in the Aft Bar (tourist class bar during Atlantic crossings).
Kalle “ Kli” Johansson [Charley to this passenger] is sharing a joke
or two
with a passenger in the Aft Bar. Bennie Meijer stands in the background.
More than 250 web pages developed and maintained by Lars Hemingstam ©1998-2023
Hasse Gustafsson and Tommy Stark have interviewed crew members and contributed many of the stories.
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